◆ 格主慕亞(Moya)自稱老莫,秉持著生為天主教徒的責任,追隨所有教導過的靈性導師的和平腳步,夢想中國是有愛心的、平靜的、快樂的、寬容的、自由的、民主的、和平的、文明的,這樣才能成為真正偉大的民族。
◆ 慕亞翻譯與靈性訊息有關的文章均以蔚爾莎為名。
◆ 格主慕亞(Moya)自稱老莫,秉持著生為天主教徒的責任,追隨所有教導過的靈性導師的和平腳步,夢想中國是有愛心的、平靜的、快樂的、寬容的、自由的、民主的、和平的、文明的,這樣才能成為真正偉大的民族。
◆ 慕亞翻譯與靈性訊息有關的文章均以蔚爾莎為名。
2012年1月4日 星期三
Japanese government and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant should take the responsibility for the most serious nuclear disaster since 25 year
A panel of government investigating the nuclear crisis released the interim report yesterday
A panel of Japanese government investigating the nuclear crisis released the interim report on the whole accident on Dec. 26, those committee members pointed out that Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plant prepared insufficiently for the tsunami in advance and they handled improperly the crisis management after the disaster happened, the government communicated so bad that the relief action ran slowly. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and the Japanese government should take the responsibility for the most serious nuclear disaster since 25 years.
The committee members of this panel have investigated the officials of Japanese government and the employees of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant since this June, total 456 persons. According to the Japanese mass media report, the panel said that the accident shows the need to prepare for unexpected events if the consequences of them happening could be disastrous, referring to the poor emergency responses of the plant’s operator and the government.
The panel also said that many problems related to the crisis were linked to the absence of measures to deal with severe nuclear accidents caused by tsunami as well as the failure to assume that a nuclear crisis could occur in combination with a natural disaster.
The first nuclear plant is northwest of Tokyo attacked by serious tsunami and caused the reactor core meltdown the fuel rod, the tsunami in some areas even over 15 meters height.
The panel pointed out that the government once presumed what would be happened if the tsunami over 15 meters height attacking the first nuclear plant, but they ignored the consequence and did not take any remedial measures. The government did not instruct the Tokyo Electric Power Co. how to figure out the way to deal with the disaster, because they thought such serious tsunami could not be happened.
The panel also thought after the nuclear disaster happened, due to lack of the professional knowledge, the operators of Tokyo Electric Power Company misunderstood the basic function of No. 1 reactor cooling system, and operated improperly No. 3 reactor cooling system.
Besides, the committee also said the government’s evacuation order issued to residents around the plant was not specific. In some cases, residents were found to have taken an evacuation route where radioactive substances had spread.
The previous Premier Kan Naoto gave his order to organize the panel of government investigating the nuclear crisis in this May, there are 12 members including the seismologists, former foreign affair officials and judges. The chairman of the committee Iwanami Shoten, Engineering professor of Tokyo University, is the beating failure expert. The investigative committee will release the complete and final report next summer.
Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang
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