2012年1月4日 星期三

Durban climate change conference made a resolution to force three biggest polluters to take action to slow the pace of global changing: USA, China and India

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011, held in Durban, S.A. on Nov. 28 to Dec. 9, yet the conference has not gotten a common view. Attending representatives continue to discuss during this weekend, finally they made not only a resolution to bring the “Green Climate Fund” and the second commitment period of “Kyoto Protocol” into force at daybreak Dec. 11, but for the first time would force all the biggest polluters to take action to slow the pace of global changing.

The Durban conference had been due to wrap up on Friday, but dragged into a second extra day on Sunday because of disputes over how to phrase the legal commitment. The European Union pushed for strong wording and the three biggest emitters the United States, China and India resisted.

Representatives of China and India appealed that it should remember the fair principle to face the climate problem. Chief of the Indian representatives Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of Ministry of Environment and Forests, is strongly opposed to this plan. She stressed that there is a “Kyoto Protocol” already, almost the developed countries does not only carry out the target of reducing pollution, but demand the big developing country like India to get the total quantity as the developed countries does.

“Where is the fair justice?” Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan queried strongly. China representatives agreed with it. Chief of China representatives Hsieh Chen-hua emphasized that China is a developing country, has to develop, reduce the poverty and protect the environment. We have done what we could. What did all the developing countries do? They have not gotten the target of reducing pollution yet for 20 years.

Nevertheless, a marathon UN climate conference on Sunday approved a roadmap towards an accord that for the first time will bring all major greenhouse-gas emitters under a single legal roof.

If approved as scheduled in 2015, the pact will be operational from 2020 and become the prime weapon in the fight against climate change. Observers say the talks for the 2015 pact will be arduous.

The risk of changing climate is happening after all. 2015 pact is too far to save the planet.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


