2012年1月4日 星期三

Danielle Nierenberg’s 12 simple steps to make our planet greener

An article regarding how to love our planet through the green life published on the web of Chicago Tribune written by Danielle Nierenberg, who is project director of the Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet project. He suggested 12 simple steps, for example, save money or spend more time with family and friends…etc., that we can undertake to make our lives a little greener.

Here is the summary of 12 simple steps to go green in 2012:

1. Recycle: To make it easier to recycle, put a separate container next to your trash can or printer, and keep an airtight container in your kitchen for food scraps to be composted.

2. Turn off the lights: Turn off lights during bright daylight or whenever you will be away for an extended period of time.

3. Make the switch: In addition to turning lights off, switching to greener bulbs can also help.

4. Turn on the tap: Plastic water bottles create huge environmental problems — they end up in landfills, litter roadsides and pollute waterways and oceans. Fill your glass from the tap instead of using the bottled water.

5. Turn down the heat: Turn down your thermostat when you leave for work or use a programmable thermostat to control your heating settings.

6. Support food-recovery programs: Food-recovery programs run by homeless shelters or food banks collect food that would be wasted by grocery stores and restaurants and use it to provide meals for the hungry. Encourage local restaurants and grocery stores to partner with food-rescue organizations.

7. Buy local: Have smaller environmental footprints and innovate to meet local conditions. Please consider farmers markets and local farms for your produce, eggs, dairy and meat.

8. Get out and ride: It’s better to rent bikes for short-term use, which could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and providing healthy exercise. If available, use your city’s bike-share program to run short errands or commute to work.

9. Share a car: By using a shared car when traveling in a city, you can greatly reduce your environmental impact.

10. Plant a garden: Growing your own vegetables and fruits is a simple way to bring fresh and nutritious food literally to your doorstep. It can make a big impact on your diet and wallet.

11. Compost: What better way to fertilize your garden than using your own composted organic food waste.

12. Reduce your meat consumption: Global meat production has experienced a 20 percent growth rate since 2000, yet livestock production accounts for about 18 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Consider substituting one meal a day with a vegetarian option.

Danielle Nierenberg expected if people can follow these 12 simple steps, it will all resolve the environmental problem and will make 2012 a healthier, happier and greener year.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


