2012年1月4日 星期三

Actress Meryl Streep worried more and more her career was over

Actress Meryl Streep worried her career was over more and more, after she got the scripts to play the witch. This was an embarrassing situation for her at that time. She was convinced directors had no use for women past “childbearing age”. What should she do for her age of 62? Can she create another high peak of career?

Meryl Streep has been the actress for 34 years. She obtained 16 nominations of Oscar Academy Awards and Golden Ball Awards, won the best actress award of Cannes Film Festival, Los Angles Film Critics Association, London Film Critics Circle Film Award for Actress of the Year, Rembrandt Award (NL) , National Movie Award (UK)…etc.

She tells the new issue of Vogue magazine, “I remember turning to my husband and saying, ‘Well, what should we do? Because it’s over.’

Streep thinks that once women passed childbearing age they could only be seen as grotesque on some level.

Although Streep is the actress one of the most sought-after stars in Hollywood, she admits it’s no coincidence most of her roles – like those in The Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia! Julie & Julia and It’s Complicated – involve Streep playing “women whose usefulness had passed.”

This year she played as The Rt Hon. Margaret Thatcher in Iron Lady, could say that she was successful to play the role. Her worry about the ageing actually is unnecessary.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


