2012年1月4日 星期三

When will Arab spring really come? When the rich monarchies will give the protesters response?

Moroccan protestors demanded political reform and the release of the prisoners several days ago. They also protested against the country’s high unemployment rate.

Although like the other countries, the moderate religious parties all have fared well in Islamic world, the Islamist Justice and Development Party won November’s parliamentary elections on Nov. 27. The protesters have discontented with the new government and the King.

The King Mohammed VI still holds the real power. They think the king does not put enough the new constitution in practice. The protesters also say that the polls failed to display true democratic reforms and that the US-backed ruling monarchy is not committed to real change.

But why the oil-rich Arab monarchies still hold the real power? In an end of summit, they called “union” rather than “cooperation” after the Arab monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council on Dec. 27.

We think the King does not really want to release his power because of the oil. The much power he releases, the much benefit he will loose. The much power he releases, the people will get much benefit from it and finally realize the dream of democracy, so that the Kings just unit together to share the benefits, they do not want to cooperate with people or listen what people really want.

When will Arab spring really come? In this bitter winter, people stood in the street just to demand their small dream – survival dignity. When the rich monarchies will give them response?

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


