2012年1月4日 星期三

War Horse star Jeremy Irvine realizes the horses have human emotions

2011 war drama film “War Horse” directed by Steven Spielberg. It released in the U.S. on Dec. 25 and will release in the U.K. on January 13, 2012. It is based on the children’s novel “War Horse” set during World War I by British author Michael Morpurgo.

It is first published in the U.K in 1982, and the 2007 stage adaptation of the same name.

The First World War is the backdrop for this tale of bravery, loyalty, and the extraordinary bond between a young recruit and his horse.

Actors, working with astonishing life-sized puppets by the internationally renowned Handspring Puppet Company, take audiences on an unforgettable journey through history.

The film described a young boy Albert enlists to service in World War I after his beloved horse, Joey, is sold to the cavalry. Albert’s hopeful journey takes him out of England and across Europe as the war rages on.

Actor Jeremy Irvine played the role of Young Albert, he admitted that he was really a rookie in the cast. According People magazine report, Irvine said even the horses had more acting experiences than he did. They all have been in many movies.

It was the first time for him to learn how to ride on a horse. He said at that time he thought he was kind of skeptical because he didn’t think he’d genuinely get a relationship with these horses.

There are 14 horses to play the main animal character, Joey, after taking the intense training, Irvine began to bond with his lovely partners. Irvine told the People magazine that he finally realized the horses have the human emotions, and that is of great benefit to him.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


