2012年1月4日 星期三

Time choose “The Protester” as the person of year 2011

Time magazines’ editors believe no matter men or women (sometimes groups of ideas) overwhelming the international famous politicians or celebrities became the great impact during the past 12 months.

“The protester” has voiced dissent against authoritarian leaders over the past year. The people of third world country have awakened to confront the dictatorial leadership, first in Tunisia, and then in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.

The international protesters in the street struggled for their own needs in different reason. The protester with his or her protest dog in Spain and Greece expressed their complaints against the economic problem. The protester of Russia and the Democratic Republic of Congo voiced anger over possibly rigged elections. In the U.S., the Occupy Wall Street protester began demonstrating first in New York, and then in Washington, Chicago, cities as small as Trenton, N.J., and soon spreading to the Asian countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.

All revolutions begin with protests, but not all protests become revolutions. The great movement ignited by the awakening people over the world. They have struggled for the same reason – justice, some of them were successful, like the people in the Middle East they overthrew the dictatorial government, established the democratic government and possessed the dignity that they never have. This great movement makes our world become better. That’s why the protester won the person of the year 2011.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


