2012年1月4日 星期三

Morocco erupted the protest movement for political reform

After February 20 movement accomplished its mission, it has restored the confidence in the possibility of change. Now another protest goes on the stage for political change. Thousands of people gathered together in Casablanca, Morocco on Sunday Dec. 25 to express their deep and sincere demand for political reforms.

About 5,000 protesters demonstrated in the street, an AFP reporter said that there were about 3,500 people in all country.

The protesters thought that King Mehmed VI did not put the constitution reform into practice enough. They think Morocco does not have revolution of the kind seen elsewhere in north Africa. King Mohammed is still firmly in charge.

The protesters told the AFP reporter that their demands are legitimate, and what they demanded before have not any change. They want the parliamentary monarchy and more social justice.

Ps. original version published on the website of Taiwan News by Theresa Huang


